Paediatric Endocrinology
Since it was constituted in 1968, the Paediatric Endocrinology Unit has consolidated the care, teaching and research it offers to make it one of the most prestigious centres both nationally and internationally, as shown by the significant number of articles published in major journals.
This Unit was created in 1968, in the first years of the Hospital, by Dr Enric Vicens-Calvet, and since then we have offered paediatric endocrinology as a specialty, actively participating in the constitution of the Spanish Society of Paediatric Endocrinology and the International Association for Child and Adolescent Diabetes. (IESGD). It is made up of:
- Paediatric General Endocrinology Clinic (daily)
- Monographic Diabetes Clinic
- Diabetes Education
- Monographic Adolescent Morbid Obesity Clinic
- Monographic Sexual Differentiation Disorders Clinic
- Clinic for the Neonatal Screening Programme for Congenital Hypothyroidism
- Functional Endocrinological Explorations Unit
Portfolio of services
- Care for diabetic children and comprehensive diabetes education
- Diagnosis and monitoring of congenital hypothyroidism in Catalonia
- Diagnosis and monitoring of thyroid function in premature babies (collaboration with the Neonatology Department)
- Diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of thyroid pathologies in children and adolescents
- Diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of sexual differentiation disorders
- Diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of disorders affecting puberty
- Comprehensive programme for obesity in infants and children (Children and Teens in Movement programme)
- Morbid obesity programme for teenagers (in collaboration with the Paediatric Surgery Department and the Metabolic Surgery Unit)
- Endocrinological controls on patients affected by cancer
- Diagnosis and treatment of patients affected by phosphocalcic metabolism disorders
- Diagnosis and treatment of patients with lipid disorders
- Diagnosis and monitoring of patients with growth disorders
The Paediatric Endocrinology Unit carries out significant research activity, and has a laboratory for research into growth pathologies and sexual differentiation disorders. We are also pioneers in the design and implementation of public health programmes aimed at the prevention of childhood and youth obesity (Children in Movement Programme), the treatment of morbid obesity in teens, and we are also a reference hospital in the diagnosis and treatment of congenital hypothyroidism.
Our Unit is also dedicated to teaching, and for more than 18 years, we have offered a master’s programme in paediatric endocrinology and nutrition, a postgraduate programme that has resulted in more than 180 qualified paediatricians receiving training in paediatric endocrinology. They are now heads of paediatric endocrinology units at the majority of level two and three hospitals with a Paediatrics Department in Catalonia, the rest of Spain and Latin America. All the Unit’s medical staff participate actively both in undergraduate and postgraduate education.