We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre


Hepatologia a Vall d'Hebron

At the Hepatology Department, we focus primarily on treating patients with liver disease, both those hospitalised on our ward and in outpatient care and interconsultations.


In addition to treating patients with liver diseases, the Hepatology Service also collaborates intensively in the liver transplant program together with the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery and the Digestive System Transplant Services. Moreover, we collaborate with the Gastrointestinal Unit of the Digestive System Service in taking care of hepatic patients with gastrointestinal bleeding, and in the control of haemophilic patients from the Haemophilic Unit.


Portfolio of services 

  • Care for admitted patients
  • Outpatient care
  • Hepatology interconsultations
  • Internal medicine interconsultations
  • Primary care consultations
  • Liver biopsies
  • Fibroscan  
  • Psychometric tests
  • Paracentesis
  • Clinical trials in hepatology



The Hepatology Department is part of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) with its own research group, the Hepatic Diseases Group. We are involved in clinical, basic and experimental research in liver diseases.



We also carry out significant teaching activity, with members of the Department involved in teaching medical residents (tutorials); medical degree teaching from fourth to sixth year; postgraduate teaching (doctoral theses) after the residency, as well as providing research fellowships and continuing education.

Teaching units
Related diseases
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