We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Angiology, Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery

Angiologia cirurgia vascular i endovascular a Vall d'hebron

At the Angiology, Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery Department we study and provide medical treatment of arterial, venous and lymphatic diseases in order to facilitate early diagnosis and offer patients the best treatment


Portfolio of services 

This Department mainly offers care for and research into our medical and surgical specialty, which is focused on the treatment of arterial, venous and lymphatic diseases in four main aspects:

  • Angiology, which is devoted to the study and medical treatment of these diseases.
  • Endovascular surgery, treatment using intraluminal techniques for diseases of the arterial and venous vessels, in both occlusive and aneurysmal cases (abnormal and localized dilatation of the vessels).
  • Conventional surgery
  • Haemodynamics, which studies arterial and venous diseases with non-invasive imaging techniques.



Our Hospital is part of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where we teach vascular surgery to the students of the Faculty of Medicine. We also work to train both resident doctors and people from other departments and hospitals who come to do rotations at our Hospital.

We are the leading angiology and vascular surgery department for public care in Spain, and since 1967 we have provided care and research and promoted the teaching of our area of knowledge.

Teaching units
Related diseases
Related diagnostic tests
Related healthcare treatment
Related professionals
Dr. Sergio
Bellmunt Montoya
Angiology, Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery
Sr. Víctor
López Barrientos
Angiology, Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery
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