We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Anaesthesia, Resuscitation and Pain Management

Anestesiologia i reanimació a Vall d'Hebron

The Anaesthesia, Resuscitation and Pain Management Department provides comprehensive perioperative care for surgical patients, from their arrival to the hospital until they return home. We offer care with more than 30,000 operations a year.


At the Anaesthesia Department, our mission is to offer comprehensive perioperative care, from the moment the patient arrives at the clinic or hospital, during the operation and beyond.

We have a staff of professionals specialised in all areas, essential for the large number of transplants of all kinds that are performed at our Hospital. We should also mention our nursing team specialising in anaesthesia, who begin their career at our Department.

The Department is divided into four main geographical and care areas:

  • Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Treatment of Pain Hospital
  • General Hospital
  • Maternity and Children's Hospital
  • Pere Virgili Hospital with distance pre-anaesthesia consultation (major outpatient surgery)


The Department encompasses several key working areas:  

  • Research
  • Training
  • Simulation
  • Teaching


Outpatient preoperative consultations work with primary care in processes such as obstetrics and endoscopy labs. Preparatory and postoperative care are of vital importance in establishing a good flow of patients, especially in areas such as resuscitation.  

Patients attended to by the Pain Unit have often been treated previously. This is due to the nature of their problem and the difficulty in solving the symptoms they suffer. This is why we have established fast-stream resolution and care schemes using a mobile application. Patients can inform us from their home of the degree of pain, thus improving their quality of life.

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