We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Clinical Pharmacology

Farmacologia Clínica Hospital Vall d'Hebron

The aim of the Clinical Pharmacology Department is to promote a reasoned, safe, effective and efficient use of medication at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital. Together with the Catalan Institute of Pharmacology Foundation, we are a WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmacoepidemiology Research and Investigation.


Our activities are split into healthcare and institutional support, research, and education and training.

Healthcare and institutional support

  • We are responsible for pharmacovigilance at the hospital:
    • we resolve doctors’ queries regarding adverse reactions to medication.
    • we carry out a programme for reporting suspected adverse reactions to medication.
    • We hold information sessions for the hospital's departments.
  • We help develop the selection of drugs and drug policies to promote their healthy use:
    • we are actively involved in the hospital's Drug and Therapeutics Committee.
    • we assess treatment authorisation requests at the Committee for the Assessment of Treatments with Special Conditions of Use (CATSEU).
    • we help monitor the use of Hospital Outpatient Prescription Medication.
    • we provide our point of view to the Pain Committee and the Thromboembolic Disease and Antibiotics Sub-Committees.
  • We prepare and disseminate information on therapies and medication:
    • we answer our hospital colleagues’ therapy-related questions about patients.
    • we publicise medication safety alerts.


  • We carry out pharmacoepidemiological studies:
    • we describe the use of medication in everyday clinical practice.
    • we generate information on the safety and effectiveness  of medication under normal conditions of use.
    • We support the actions of the hospital’s Drug Research Ethics Committees (CEIm).
    • We are involved in the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute's Clinical Research Support Unit (USIC) .

Education and Training


See the website of the Catalan Institute of Pharmacology Foundation


Research gropus
Teaching units
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