From the labto the hospital

Epidemiology and Public Health

Epidemiologia i salut pública a Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca

The Epidemiology and Public Health group’s research is aimed at contributing to the scientific evidence on preventive medicine, with the aim of promoting health and preventing the morbidity and mortality of serious illnesses.

The group’s main lines of research focus on epidemiology and the prevention of infectious diseases, both individually and generally in the population.


The group uses epidemiological methods to study the aetiology, vigilance and efficacy of interventions, among fields of interest. It focuses on three main areas. In epidemiology and prevention of infections associated with healthcare, it analyses aspects related to the evolution, characteristics, associated risk factors, hosts, and the impact of these infections.

One of the group’s other research pillars is looking into new preventive vaccines. It is investigating pre-pandemic and pandemic flu vaccines and their ability to provoke an immune response, as well as seasonal flu vaccines. They are also researching the efficacy of the human papillomavirus or shingles vaccine and its ability to provoke an immune response, in immunosuppressed patients, among others.

Finally, the group also contributes to epidemiology knowledge and prevention of infectious diseases such as chicken pox, tuberculosis and whooping cough.

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Dra. Magda
Campins Martí
Head of Department
Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology
Epidemiology and Public Health
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