From the labto the hospital

Genitourinary Tumours of the CNS and Sarcoma

Grup de tumors genitourinaris del SNC i sarcoma a Vall d'Hebron

The group in the Genitourinary Tumours of the CNS and Sarcoma programme is working on providing patients with the newest and best treatments for their respective conditions, which include immunotherapy agents, targeted treatments and new antineoplastic drugs. Conducting clinical trials at different stages of the illness, the group is emphasising design based on histology and a multidisciplinary approach. They are developing new strategies to improve treatment for castration-resistant prostate cancer, gastric stromal tumours and kidney cancer.


Currently, the group is focusing on designing and developing clinical trials for malignant genitourinary tumours with the active participation of researchers in the Urology, Radiotherapy and Medical Oncology departments.

They are advancing in their research with the help of platforms created to form alliances, such as the urology cancer translational research platform, or the  creation of a translational platform for basic research and sarcomas in close collaboration with the Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL - Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute) and the Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (CIC - Cancer Research Centre) in Salamanca. Also within the institute they are expanding the translational research platform for glioblastoma in collaboration with the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology Gene Expression and Cancer group.

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Dr. César
Serrano García
Medical Oncology
Lead Researcher
Genitourinary, Central Nervous System (CNS) Tumours, Sarcoma and cancer of unknown primary site programme
Dr. Joan
Carles Galcerán
Head of Section
Medical Oncology
Lead Researcher
Genitourinary, Central Nervous System (CNS) Tumours, Sarcoma and cancer of unknown primary site programme