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Dermatologia a Vall d'Hebron

The mission of the Dermatology Department at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital is the diagnosis, treatment (medical and surgical) and prevention of diseases of the skin, subcutis, mucous membranes and annexes, as well as the symptoms of systemic diseases that affect the skin and systemic manifestations of skin diseases. The Department is a reference centre in complex dermatological problems that require specialised treatments.


Dermatology in Vall d'Hebron has three main areas of action:

  • Paediatric dermatology: we are a reference centre for two large groups of paediatric diseases with dermatological symptoms, which are vascular lesions and genodermatosis. The most common vascular lesions are haemangiomas for children, followed by vascular malformations; to treat them, the Department offers techniques such as sclerotherapy, embolisation and surgery. For genodermatosis or hereditary skin diseases, dermatology professionals work side by side with neurologists and geneticists in order to offer patients the best treatment alternatives.
  • Skin cancer: Vall d'Hebron is the leading centre in terms of number of clinical trials for advanced melanoma treatment. The Melanoma Biomedical Research Group at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute studies animal models to improve early detection and targeted therapy. In the treatment of melanoma, specialists in dermatology, oncology, pathological anatomy and plastic surgery are all involved.
  • Transplant patients: the Department carries out follow-up of patients who have undergone solid organ transplants. At Vall d'Hebron, more than 350 transplants of solid organs are carried out every year, and immunosuppressive treatments can cause several dermatological complications. The objective of the Dermatology Department is to adjust the immunosuppression so that the treatment is less aggressive, and to identify guidelines for primary and secondary prevention of cutaneous tumours.

The Department also has specialised clinics for psoriasis, cutaneous lymphomas, ampular epidermolysis, oral mucosal diseases and immuno-allergic dermatosis. We also offer diagnosis, treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

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