We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre


Bioquimica a Vall d'Hebron

The Clinical Biochemistry Department analyses six million tests a year, and our goal is to generate useful information for the prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and monitoring of diseases.


Every year, the specimen collection department handles more than 180,000 outpatient cases, more than 80,000 admitted patients and 150,000 emergency cases. With our wide range of high-tech analytical systems and an extensive catalogue of highly complex tests, we can cover any and all diagnostic needs for all medical and surgical specialties.

We have an automated central laboratory, as well as functional labs distributed across the specialised units for the various areas of knowledge. We provide support for the Hospital’s catchment area and the primary care laboratories of the Catalan Health Institute (ICS) in the city of Barcelona, which covers approximately one and a half million inhabitants. We also act as a reference laboratory for certain tests for other hospitals in Catalonia and the rest of Spain, for both public and private hospitals.


Portfolio of services 

We should highlight our work on studies monitoring drugs, the screening of prenatal chromosomal abnormalities (a test using foetal DNA in the mother’s blood), as well as the quantification of viral load in hepatitis cases, studies of congenital metabolic defects, disorders of lipid metabolism (such as cholesterol and fatty acids), among many others, applied to both adults and children.

The laboratory is accredited by the Department of Health and complies with all the requirements set forth in Decree 76/1995 of 7th March, which establishes the specific procedures for administrative authorisation of clinical laboratories and the regulations governing the activities carried out therein.

We also have a quality management system that has been ISO 9001: 2008 certified since 2005.

Research gropus
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