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Paediatric Intensive Care

cures intensives pediatriques a Vall d'Hebron

At the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit of Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, we provide life support treatment. We treat patients who, when an organ fails, require specific treatment to replace that organ’s function. We are a leading reference ICU for congenital heart disease, solid organ transplants, neurocritical patients, burns and spinal cord injuries.


Our mission as a paediatric ICU is to take care of children's health, through effective, efficient and quality health care in the treatment of diseases.

More specifically, our objectives are:

  • To provide the best care for children with serious illnesses, using diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative techniques.
  • To advance knowledge of clinical paediatrics and the treatment of children in critical condition through scientific evidence, our expertise and professional qualification.
  • To guarantee the best possible diagnostic and therapeutic methods. To achieve this, we have a staff of highly trained professionals.
  • To collaborate in the postoperative management of cardiac surgery, lung transplants and pulmonary arterial hypertension; we provide care to any patient from Catalonia or from other regions of Spain.

To achieve these goals and treat children with specific illnesses and different physiological conditions, a highly qualified team and innovative technology are essential for us to adapt to the reality of each specific case.

Paediatric Intensive Care professionals require specific training. All our staff are highly qualified to recognise signs of serious conditions and the complications that might go with them, as well as being able to decide the correct doses for treatments. The combined expertise of our team is the key behind the prestige the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit enjoys internationally.

The Paediatric ICU is open to families. Not only do the parents and children accompany their baby, but so do the brothers and sisters through the Siblings Project, a pioneering project that began in 2014 at the request of a child who wanted to see his brother who had been admitted.

Both families and patients can benefit from the Sol Solet Programme, where we organise an ICU outing to sunbathe as a family. Nothing is left to chance on these outings.

Our Paediatric ICU came to life in 1968, and was the first in Spain. Nowadays, it is a specialised area where we have the most innovative technologies to allow us to apply advanced therapies for children who need specific life support treatment. 


Portfolio of services

  • Postoperative management of patients who have undergone: cardiac failure, cardiac surgery or liver, lung, heart or kidney transplant
  • Support with blood flow and absorption of molecules
  • Invasive and non-invasive conventional mechanical ventilation
  • High-frequency oscillating ventilation
  • Continuous veno-venous haemofiltration in critical patients with liver, respiratory or renal failure.
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation technique (ECMO) for cardiovascular and respiratory support, in cases where conventional treatment is ineffective
  • Resuscitation and treatment of serious burns (burned surface >= 20%)
Research gropus
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Related professionals
Dr. Joan
Balcells Ramírez
Head of Section
Paediatric Intensive Care
Lead Researcher
Clinical Research / Innovation in Pneumonia and Sepsis (CRIPS)
Dra. Laura
Gil Juanmiquel
Paediatric Intensive Care
Dra. Carla
Daina Noves
Paediatric Intensive Care
Sra. Meritxell
Jiménez Llahí
Sr. José María
Mata Márquez
Nursing Supervisor
Traumatology Intensive Care
Dra. Romy
Rossich Verdés
Paediatric Intensive Care
Plastic Surgery and Burns
Dr. Jaume
Izquierdo Blasco
Paediatric Intensive Care
Dra. Laura Erica
Seidler Nussenbaum
Paediatric Intensive Care
Sr. Jesus
Corrionero Alegre
Paediatric Intensive Care
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