We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Abdominal wall surgery

Cirurgia paret abdominal a Vall d'Hebron

The Abdominal Wall Surgery Unit is a part of the General Surgery Department and has a long tradition in this field. It deals with patients with generic pathologies and, above all, with complex wall pathologies, which is a field where many patients struggle to find an adequate solution to their problem when it is handled as a general surgery issue.


Vall d'Hebron University Hospital has a specific Unit in the field of abdominal wall surgery to help evolve from a specialist unit to a super-specialist unit. This evolution is due to the magnitude of the clinical-therapeutic information that is currently needed to treat general surgery and digestive tract patients in the most appropriate way. Abdominal wall surgery is fully defined and has its own section.

At our Unit, we offer the current forms of treatment used to tackle this pathology as well as lines of clinical research to constantly improve the treatment of these patients.


Portfolio of services

  • Incisional hernia/eventration
  • Complex incisional hernia/eventration. Separation of components
  • Recurring incisional hernia/eventration
  • Incisional hernia/eventration with loss of abdominal domain
  • Progressive pneumoperitoneum
  • Meshes with acute and/or chronic infection. Biological implants
  • Abdominal wall tumours
  • Laparoscopic surgery of the incisional hernia/eventration
  • Endoscopic separation of components
  • Inguinal hernia
  • Complex inguinal hernia
  • Laparoscopic surgery of inguinal hernia
  • Para-stomatous hernia (open/laparoscopic)
  • Other hernias of the abdominal wall (lumbar, perineal). Open and/or laparoscopic repair


In terms of pre-clinical research, i.e. prior to studies with humans, our focus is on translational medicine (taking research from the laboratory to the patient), we have close links to the General Surgery Research Group and, in particular, with its Abdominal Wall Pathology Research Unit, led by Dr M. Antònia Arbós Via. Through this group, we aim to carry out pioneering research, both nationally and internationally.

Our Unit is structured at different levels, and can meet any and all needs thanks to this fusion of preclinical and clinical work.

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