We provide care, training and carry out research because you are our centre

Pneumology, allergology and cystic fibrosis

Pneumologia pediàtrica a Vall d'Hebron

The Paediatric Pneumology and Cystic Fibrosis Unit is a reference centre for paediatric care for patients with respiratory problems.


We treat paediatric patients in the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital catchment area, as well as complex patients with special requirements that cannot be treated at other hospitals in Catalonia or the rest of Spain.

The Paediatric Pulmonary Transplant Programme, which has been in operation since 1998, is particularly well known.


Portfolio of services

  • Allergology
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Bronchoscopy
  • Paediatric pulmonary function lab
  • Pulmonary function of nursing babies lab
  • Oxygen therapy and home mechanical ventilation
  • Paediatric general pneumology pathology
  • Specialised paediatric pneumology pathology: pulmonary hypertension, interstitial pneumonia, primary ciliary dyskinesia
  • Programme for early detection of cystic fibrosis
  • Paediatric pulmonary transplant
Teaching units
Related diseases
Related professionals
Dra. Ines
de Mir Messa
Pneumology, allergology and cystic fibrosis
Growth and Development
Dra. Sandra
Rovira Amigo
Pneumology, allergology and cystic fibrosis
Growth and Development
Dra. Blanca
Vilá Indurain
Pneumology, allergology and cystic fibrosis
News and events
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