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Hemodiàlisi a Vall d'Hebron

The Dialysis Unit at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital is a reference centre for four haemodialysis centres managed by DIAVERUM, with an approximate total of 380 patients in haemodialysis.


This Unit is located on the sixth floor of the General Hospital, and currently has eleven haemodialysis stations, with five points in the Positive Unit and six points in the Negative Unit, to offer dialysis for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) on haemodialysis (HD) with an ultrapure water plant with double reverse osmosis.

Plans are in place for a redesign of the floor where the Dialysis Unit is located, with 14 haemodialysis stations with beds for chronic patients (approx. 40 patients). This will mean we can admit more patients while offering 2 haemodialysis points for patients with hepatitis B virus.


Portfolio of services 

  • Haemodialysis of patients with chronic kidney disease.
  • High-flow haemodialysis.
  • Haemofiltration with endogenous reinfusion.
  • On-line haemodiafiltration.
  • Treatment for acute kidney failure in the patients mentioned above.
  • Intermittent haemodialysis.
  • Continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration techniques
  • Treatment of acute renal failure from the various Critical Units; ICU (General Hospital), ICU (Hospital of Traumatology) Resuscitation, Serious Burns, Postoperative Cardiac Surgery Unit and Coronary Unit.
  • Peritoneal dialysis. Teledialysis, which allows the monitoring of patients or dysfunctions without requiring their physical presence.
  • Plasmapheresis in patients with immunological diseases and rejection using antibodies.
  • Leukocytapheresis and patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease, where indicated (agreed with the Digestive System Department).
  • Continuous ultrafiltration of patients with congestive heart failure resistant to treatment with conventional medication (agreed with the Cardiology Department).
  • Periodic monitoring of the vascular access using Doppler ultrasound techniques and other non-invasive flow measurement techniques.
  • Joint outpatient consultation for Nephrology and Vascular Surgery to assess new vascular accesses or dysfunctional vascular accesses.
  • Collaboration with Interventional Angioradiology for rapid diagnosis and treatment of acute vascular access dysfunction.
  • Relationships with peripheral haemodialysis centres, of which the Dialysis Unit at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital is a centre of reference.
  • Patients are visited once a year by doctors from the Unit.
  • Twice-yearly meetings with the medical offices of the dialysis centres, of which we are a reference centre.
  • Joint dialysis quality protocols covering: anaemia, osseo-mineral metabolism, dialysis dosage, nutrition, vascular accesses according to the SEN guidelines and Strategic Plan for the Management of Nephrological Patient Care.
  • Updates and optimisation of the list of patients on the waiting list for transplant.
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